Workplace Training Program Overview

We understand every team requires unique mental health training.

Participants learn the foundations of mental health literacy, including:

Our methodology

We understand every workplace – and even smaller teams – are unique. Successful mental health programs require good planning, clear communication and teamwork.

Our Program Manager meets with a representative from your organisation to determine your specific needs. Based on that conversation, we prepare scripts, train the actors and deliver the performance.

What you can expect from us

Topics we cover

These are the top four topics workplaces most often ask us about. One topic is covered in a 60-minute session. 

A typical program

Each program includes: 

Program takeaways

These are the top four topics workplaces most often ask us about. One topic is covered in a 60-minute session. 

Delivery options and session types

Our mental health programs are available either F2F, hybrid or virtual.

Each of the following offers can cover one topic per session. To establish long-term, sustainable mental health practices in your organisation, we recommend starting with Mental Health 101 and/or the Leader and Manager session.

All we need from you is a suitable venue, microphones (for groups over 80 people), survey distribution and collection.

Ally, CEO of Mind Blank, provides mental health workplace training.

Session time and group size may vary

Mind Blank Founder and CEO, Ally Kelly, is available for keynote speeches (15-30 minutes) or intimate, small group conversations (30-60 minutes, up to 20 people). In Mental Health 101, Ally provides a glimpse into her lived experience, demonstrates methods for self-care and wellbeing, and instructs participants where and how to access mental health resources.

90 minutes, up to 30 people

Leaders and Managers learn how to identify early warning signs of a mental health problem, manage difficult team dynamics, provide regular wellbeing support, and sensitively refer employees for help.

60 minutes, up to 150 people

This interactive session involves professional actors performing a scene about a common workplace scenario, followed by a facilitated discussion.

90 – 120 minutes, up to 150 people

A team of professional actors present a series of scenarios based on real-life mental health issues. Audience members are invited to provide input and feedback, including “directing” the actors to achieve different conclusions.

90 minutes, up to 150 people

After a Lunch and Learn or Deep Dive Session, employees and managers are separated and a 60 minute mental health action planning process is facilitated for each group. In the last 30 minutes, employees and managers are brought back together to discuss their ideas and determine how to better work together to achieve mental health objectives in the workplace. This is especially useful for teams with existing culture issues.

Workplace health and safety

Mind Blank programs are accredited by Suicide Prevention Australia and support the Work Health and Safety Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work Code of Practice.

There are no quick fixes for mental health. Studies have shown ongoing training is necessary to generate long-term outcomes. Mind Blank’s approach to mental health education is comprehensive, collaborative and emphasises lasting and sustainable results.

Members of the Mind Blank team pose with an Emerge Finance banner after running a successful workplace mental health training.


“I was really impressed with how such difficult topics were conveyed in a sensible, enjoyable, understandable and accessible way… This event allowed those in attendance to connect with serious and often stigmatised topics in a nonthreatening way.”
Professor Brin Grenyer OAM
Senior Professor of Psychology at the University of Wollongong, Director of the Project Air Strategy for Personality Disorders
"The Mind Blank session was really informative. It was great to see how these things actually play out in the workplace. The scenarios reinforced what we can do as employees to make the workplace a safer and healthier environment.”
Mel Nicastro
South East Water, Program Participant
“Before I attended [the Mind Blank session], I really didn't know what to expect. I found it mind-blowing. The session had so many "ah-ha" moments for me. It was far better than I even imagined. It explored so many options of how to deal with behaviours. A group of us discussed it and we all had different input to give. It was a learning experience to explore what might work and what wouldn't. Bringing up the ideation of suicide - that's something I find very confronting - it's not easy to talk about. But you come away with some strategies about how to deal with that. It was just amazing! Thank you Mind Blank.”
Rhonda Bacchi from OnFit Training
Rhonda Bacchi
Owner, OnFit Training